In Transit // Graeme Williams


By Graeme Williams

35 Years of South African Photography

A selection of Fine Prints illuminating the perceptive and layered observations of this multi award-winning photographer.

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Shades of Nature // Heinrich van den Berg

October has rolled around and with it comes a new exhibition at FotoZA. We are excited to announce that we now have "Shades Of Nature" by Heinrich van den Berg on display in the gallery for the month of October 2020.

This beautiful body of work is a selection of images from van den Berg's book entitled 'Shades Of Nature'. It showcases some of his images captured over the past 22 years during his travels as a professional wildlife photographer.

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Anticipated // Tim Moolman

Anticipated' is Tim's body of work of Wedding photographs taken throughout his career.

The images all take a documentary approach to the day rather than forcing expressions and poses to capture the emotions.

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RyanFotoZA Gallery
DriftArt // Markus Wörsdörfer


Washed ashore and shaped by nature

What happens when a piece of clothing washes ashore?

When the sun, sand, wind and rain, the ebb and flow starts to play with it.

Shaping it, moving it around, washing, tearing and bleaching it.

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BALLEN ON FILM // Roger Ballen

Ballen on Film is a retrospective exhibition showcasing nine films of which Roger Ballen was either the subject, the inspiration, the writer, producer or director. It documents his development as he moved from photographing the exterior to the interior psyche; from straightforward photographs to all-out stage productions with props and drawings; and from documentary photographer to music video director for Die Antwoord.

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Mandela100 // Celebrating 100 years

"Mandela100 The Exhibition" celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday by showcasing rarely seen historical images, invaluable archival documents and letters written to Mandela by children of all ages. It is a collaboration between the Nelson Mandela Foundation and FotoZA Gallery.

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Reflections // Open Window

A photographer is a storyteller. A storyteller who does not need any words to tell their story. 

By combining technical skills and an appreciation for observing the world around us, a photographer is able to capture a moment that will forever encapsulate how rich reality truly is. 
Reflections is an exhibition that uses the medium of photography to explore the concept of the Other in South African contemporary life. 

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DocuFestAfrica: The Exhibition is a documentary show reflecting all walks of life during the apartheid era, from violent conflict, to peaceful protests, army conscription, everyday life and the development of Johannesburg.

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RyanFotoZA Gallery
"DISRUPTED" // Jake Brink

“Disrupted” started off as a project capturing traditional black and white landscape images of one specific site. As my awareness shifted, I started using colour to portray the harsh reality of the disruption of our landscapes as witnessed further afield. I have included both as each tell their own tale.

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Follow That Dream // Obie Oberholzer

Follow That Dream, a retrospective of internationally acclaimed South African photographer Obie Oberholzer’s prolific career, which has included 35 solo exhibitions in South Africa and 12 international solo exhibitions.

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'GRAMMERS // An Instagram Exhibition

2017 saw MILLENNIALS tackling the stigma that surrounds photographers on Instagram and whether or not their work could be considered ‘Art’. This year we want to highlight the role that Instagram has played in helping to build a thriving, active, close knit community of photographers in South Africa.

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#OvernightRush // Leica

The #OvernightRush is a project that brings together young photographers to celebrate film photography as a particular craft in the digital age, with the constraints of the medium aiding the creative process.

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