Mandela100 // Celebrating 100 years

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"Mandela100 The Exhibition" celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday by showcasing rarely seen historical images, invaluable archival documents and letters written to Mandela by children of all ages. It is a collaboration between the Nelson Mandela Foundation and FotoZA Gallery. Watch this space for more information.

Opening evening: 5 July 2018
Venue: FotoZA Gallery, Shop 402, Level 4, Rosebank Mall, 50 Bath Avenue, JHB
Time: 18:30 for 19:00
Dress: Smart / Casual


The images and documents are provided by: 
- Nelson Mandela Foundation,
- Courtesy Anti-Apartheid and Southern Africa Collection/International Institute for Social History,
- British Anti-Apartheid Movement,
- National Archives of South Africa,
- National Archives of the Netherlands/Spaarnestad Collection/Eli Weinberg Daily Express/Cloete Breytenbach,
- PKA Gaeshwe/Black Star,
- Lionel Shapiro,
- Herbert Shore/Courtesy Ahmed Kathrada Foundation,
- Courtesy Azher Saloojee,
- Courtesy Luyolo Stengile,
- Courtesy Noureddine Djouji,
- Courtesy Professor Charles van Onselen,
- Stanley Lollan,
- Photograph by Drum photographer @ Baileys African History - Archive,
- The University of Dundee,
- Michael Peto Collection UWC Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives,
- Courtesy Graeme Williams,
- Courtesy Liliesleaf &
- Courtesy Africa Media Online

With thanks to all of the partners for this exhibition:
- Epson
- Rosebank Mall
- Graham Beck Bubbly
- Steenberg Estate

Press Coverage

This list links to all the press coverage this exhibition has received to date. Please take the time to read the various articles written about it.

- Robyn Sass - My View

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