The Rural Image // Ennio Calvani

Ennion Calvani - Web.jpg

“The photographs are an interpretation of the South African rural environment and landscape. Human presence is often implied in the photograph although people do not directly feature in the pictures. Digital equipment has been used in most cases but in an “analogue” manner. I avoid over manipulation of the image and the editing process generally corresponds to that which would have applied in a traditional darkroom. The work is exclusively black and white.” - Ennio Calvani (Artists Statement)

Date of exhibition: 7 Jan - 31 Jan 2020

Artist: Ennio Calvani

Prints for sale: Yes - enquire in store

Please note: Although we will try our best to communicate any changes to the exhibition, we are an events space and as such will need to take the exhibition down from time to time during an event. If you are planning to come through and view the exhibition, please ensure that you contact us ahead of time to ensure that it is up on the day you want to come through to avoid any disappointments.
